Irati Tamarit - Contestant for Spain

Gepubliceerd op 18 September 2024

Irati Tamarit's Legacy of Flowers and an Unexpected Path

It was not always sure Irati would follow in the footsteps of her ancestors. Her grandparents, uncles, parents, and cousins ​​all work in the floral industry. Still, her path started in a completely different direction.

"The nicest thing would be to tell you that I always wanted to work in flowers, but nothing could be further from the truth. I come from a long line of florists, so I’ve been surrounded by flowers since I was little," Irati begins, reflecting on her background. Despite her family's rich tradition in the floral industry, Irati initially didn’t plan to follow in their footsteps. She dreamed of becoming a veterinarian or perhaps working in radio. "I wanted to be a journalist, or maybe a voice actress. I was into languages—everything caught my attention."

Read more on the Thursd website